28th September 2015

my companion is getting transfered so we spent our last day working with the branch president. was awesome!!

Haha yeah we had a zone conference but for some reason we didnt go, i think we got forgotten because we are is such a far area hahaha!

this weeks been super crazy. on friday we had a full day planned but then we had to drop literally everything when we got a call from one of the secretaries saying that theres a list of less actives that we had to visit. so we dropped everything and caught the first bus to the city center which it kinda far away. so we hunted for these less actives (oh and the list is about 10 years old too) from like 1pm to 7pm without finding a single one of them. haha we walked in the 38 degree heat for 6 hours without stopping or sitting once it was a crazy day. but blessings come from acting quickly. when we got the phonecall to visit the people we dropped everything straight away and hopped on the first bus. and on the bus we met the son of one of the dudes that brang the church to my area from são paulo. hes a less active kid and we set an appintment to go visit him this week so that was an awesome blessing from acting quickly.

but sadly the baptisms fell through. i already emailed dad why and it sucked but we will keep working with them.

anyways toninght im going to salvador cos my companion is getting transfered!! so should be good to see everyone at transfers tomorrow and get a new companion, even though i wanted to stay with my current companion haha.

anyways i gotta get going and get this bbq prepared its gonna be awesome, ill try send photos next week!!

Love yous heaps

Elder Greener

21st September 2015

                      me and my comp at the bottom of this huge bridge called Mettalic Point

                                  service project at a members place!!

                                  Went we went to salvador to see the apostle!!
after the meeting we went on splits with the zone leaders. working in a tri conpanionship is pretty sweet!!

                                            climbing the nextdoor neighbours guava tree haha.

Yeah ive been very thouhtfull this week and ive really been trying to change my thought pattern and its really been helping. weve had a really awesome week this week. weve been so freakin busy we havent even had time to visit all the people we made appointments for!! but its good to be busy. haha time is absolutely flying past it feels like yesterday i was in my last area but now its almost transfers again which is crazy.
We had an awesom district meeting this week and we got to meet the new missionary couple that are serving here!! I cant remember their names but they are an awesome couple serving their third mission together. so our district leader is awesome but he is also a certified crazy. hes going crazy to baptise people haha and he gave us a few methods in which we will stsart using to try have more success so hopefully we have more results soon.
Had an aweosm lesson with on of our investigators while i was  on splits with our district leader. i was going to go there and see how she was doing in regards to the word of wisdom, but when we went in i got the impression that i should speak about that another time. we ended up sharing a powerfull lesson about prayer and i invited her so be baptised on the 27 of september. 
so hopefully we should have 2 baptisms this week whick is going to be awesome.

next week is also transfers so ill have to let you know if im going or staying, but ill let you know when i find out!!

Lots of love, 

Elder Greener

14th September 2015

Hey Mum,
well i just wanted to thank you for this email. to be honest, if i wasnt here on the mission and i got an email like this i dont know if i would have received it very well. but as i am here learning so many imporant thingsi can definantly see that the things you do for me and the kids are out of love. its like coming on the mission has taken this fog out of my mind that was blocking a lot of good things and blocking me from thinking straight. but now its like that fog is being taken away and my eternal perspective is getting massive. I have been reading my patriarchal blessing a lot lately and contemplating on being a good missionary or an extraordinairy missionary. its not something easy for me, because sometimes i have thoughts like ´´if i completely devote myself im just going to turn into a robot peter preisthood with no sense of fun or anything like that´´. but then on the other hand i really cant survive as a missionary without the miracles that come through exact obedience. im so thankfull to have parents like  you that fully know what they need to do in order to enter the celestial kingdom, but not only know but also act on what they know. im so thankfull that you a willing to do what you have to do in order to receive the blessing of the lord mum. like i cant even explain how thankful.

But this week has been alright. one of our main investigators that was progressing told us she doent want to take any more lassons and canceled her baptism date. she has a boyfriend that is married to another woman and has some kids with her and he is like sustaining our investigator because she is out of work. oh and the wife of her boyfriend doesnt know about her, but the sisters of the wife know about it??? hows that for a situation. so baisically she decided that after we taught her about the Law of chastidy. so that really sucke this week.
But our other main investigator is still progressing heaps!! one sunday she didnt feel comfortable with the clothed she was wearing compared to the  other women there so out of nowhere she decided to change her wardrobe in accordance to the church dress standard. shes and awesome lady and im stoked for her baptism.
But me and my companion are doing really well, im learning so much stuff from him its like my heads gonna explode, but he says im getting a lot better a everything now which is great.
yesterday i gave a talk in sacrament after oneof the talkers bailed so i had to make up the talk pretty much on the spot, luckily it was only 7 mins haha. but i think i learnt more from the talk than the members, i talked about obedience and exact obedience and shared the story of when nephi had to go back to jerusalem to get plates, and that the results of his exact obedienece were miracles. 
we have set some great goals for next week that we are going to put to the test and im gonna give EXACT obedience a go too. this week is going to be difficult but i want the blessing of the lords so it should be great.

anyways i hope th family is doing great and all is well back home.
love yous heaps

Elder Greener

7th September 2015

Ok so this weeks been pretty crazy!! these has been like the yearly town festival thing and things have been pretty crazy but everyone survived hahaha. im surprised that im able to send emails today because everything is closed today and the internet cafe im in is about to shut pretty soon too.

But we wre teaching an awesome family at the moment, the wife is really progressing well and even asked when she could be baptised before we asked her!! haha so thats awesome.
One of our other investigatore, Clarise, is going kinda good and kinda bad, she was doing really well but recently has been hit with two magor family problems. First was that her cousin got attacked buy a guy with a machete and it all sliced up, was over 20 cuts i think, and second was that her little nepher passed away. so were really trying to be there for here at the moment.

havent really done anything new this week, today we were gonna go to the center of the city but seeing as everything is closed were gonna wait untill next week.

at the moment im studying Ether and about the brother of jared, awesome dude with like a freakin ton of faith.

and yeah we are still getting fed every single day, if a member is rostered to give us lunch but cant they give us a bit of cash to buy lunch!! and every pday we have lunch in a members restaurant, and she specialises in cooking sheep!! haha its aweosme and we dont even have to pay.

this week i was reading in Nephi when they leave jerusalem and come to the river and Lehi was like ` laman and lemuel yous should be like these rivers and valleys, firm and steadfast. really thaught that that applies to everybody because we too should be firm and steadfast, letting our example show through living the gospel because miracles really happen because of our example that we show.

but yeah hope everything is going great back home
!! love yous heaps!!!!

Love Elder greener